Sunday, July 31, 2011

Art and Things

hey all...just wanted to say i've got an Etsy if u'd like to buy some of my art, iv'e got a few things up, (more to come), and also some lovely hair fascinators i make as well....

here is the shop link

so check it some pretty cool things up...still working on getting some prints up...soon very soon!

thank you- Kat

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bellatrix Attack!

Bellatrix Lestrange (Helena Bonham Carter),
art © katrina valencia

the final Harry Potter film is almost here.....u know Bellatrix is awesome! ^_^

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Thirteen, from HOUSE
art © katrina valencia

13 from HOUSE,...aka Olivia Wilde....^_^...

Ms Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange,
art © katrina valencia
 :O the new Harry Potter is almost here!.....and i'm sad....cause like all my fav. characters die :(.....oh well...

anyway i love Bellatrix *Helena Bonham Carter*...and perhaps this is why Voldemort likes her ;) lol